RED EYE v1.1

v1.1 is now l-eye-ve! 

  • Levels have been rejigged
    Some now have different layouts and/or extra demons. The 'end' actually has a suitable build-up/length.
  • Added an actual "win" condition. 
    There are 30 Passengers trapped in the same shifting hell as you. You can't save everyone, but you can try.
  • Tweaked audio/visual feedback.
    This includes adding/rearranging music. You can hear more like it here
  • Removed 'statistics'.
    Now, you only know who you lost/saved/etc once you reach the 'end'. 
  • Added damnation.
    This uses a 'same  but different' generation algorithm, so that no two playthroughs are exactly the same. In fact, the whole point of the game is your surroundings are in constant danger of shifting around. This is hell, after all, so it shouldn't be easy.
  • Credits now link to relevant people!

RED EYE is short, but hopefully it has the right level of 'fail but immediately try again' to it. There are no options in-game on purpose, but I'm toying with the idea of adding some gameplay options anyway - in particular, limited boost. At the moment you can boost through every level (but not in a straight line) as much as you want, but I think it might add an extra layer of challenge if this is limited. We'll see. 

Two eye puns in one post! Remarkable.


RED EYEv1.1.exe 24 MB
Sep 23, 2018
Sep 23, 2018


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